Information about CLEACD

See LIST for the full list of packages

>; CLEACD     V7.13   (202406302331)
>;   The Command Line Editor ACD
>; CLEACD is a Command Line Editor ACD.
>; The fact that is an ACD, and not a task, means that it is hooked
>; into the terminal driver, and is always available.
>; There are two variants with different key bindings:
>; EMAACD - Emacs style key bindings
>; EDTACD - EDT style key bindings
>; In addition, there is EXP.TSK, which is a companion task
>; that can be installed, and which will then give filename
>; expansion on the CLI command lines.
>; EDTACD is installed as ACD #2 (CLE$EDT)
>; EMAACD is installed as ACD #4 (CLE$EMACS)
>; See the help for the ACD command for more information.
>; (Package source is MIM::DU0:[OLDCLE])