10 SUB WWWERR(WORD E, STRING STAT, STRING XTRA, STRING BOD) %TITLE "WWWERR" %IDENT "X0.2" ! (c) 2012 by Johnny Billquist ! ! X0.0 2012-04-15 Johnny Billquist ! Initial code ! ! X0.1 2013-06-18 Johnny Billquist ! Changed function to only setup values, and caller have to ! call WWWHTM afterwards itself. ! ! X0.2 2017-02-02 Johnny Billquist ! Clear out ACCEPT on error. Receiver will get whatever, ! if we are generating an error. %INCLUDE "WWW.INC" F.NOFILE = 1 IF E = STATVAL STATVAL = E STATTXT = STAT EXTRA = XTRA BODY = BOD FNAM = PATH+NUM1$(E)+".HTM" DIR = PATH F.BODY = 1 CONTENT = "text/html; charset=iso-8859-15" F.POST = 0 F.CHUNK = 1 F.CGI = 0 ACCEP = "" END SUB